Benefits of Hydration


Living in the dry hot Sonoran Desert water is essential for all living things. Proper hydration is important for our bodies to operate properly during the hot summer months. Phoenix’s temperatures can remain higher than the 90s from April to October. The most important way to stay hydrated is water. There are some basic guides

Benefits of Hydration2012-07-28T18:36:05+00:00

Benefits of Summer Fruit


Seasonal eating is not as easy these days with produce being available year round, but there are benefits to seasonal eating. Summer fruits provide many benefits and advantages to the lifestyle we live in the summer. Antioxidant Blueberries Strawberries Blackberries Nectarines Replenishes body fluids Watermelon Natural Pain Reliever and Anti-inflammatory these will benefit that afternoon

Benefits of Summer Fruit2012-07-12T13:46:16+00:00
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