
Male Hormone
Replacement Therapy

Androgen Insufficiency (Low Testosterone and DHEA)

  • Male menopause or “MANopause”

  • 20% of males over 50 have low testosterone

  • Common in men with diabetes, high BP, sleep apnea & other chronic disease

  • Linked to early heart disease

  • Underdiagnosed

  • Men age 30-70 will lose 1-3% production per year

Testosterone and DHEA are released from the testes or ovaries and the adrenal glands. Both hormones help to regulate the sexual response, define muscle mass and are important in brain function, breast and cardiovascular system in both MEN and women.

Symptoms of low Testosterone or DHEA are: Decreased libido, depression, osteoporosis, BPH, Prostatitis, increased aging, Andropause in men, memory loss, increase in coronary artery disease risk and Myocardial infarction risk.

Hormone replacement, herbal and nutritional supportive therapies may be just what you need to feel like you did when you were in your 20’s!

Andropause – Male Hormone Replacement Therapy

With HRT you get an individualized solution to your hormonal shifts. The treatment is specifically tailored to your body’s unique needs. By starting with a blood test to measure your unique hormone levels, Dr. Kovalik creates a custom treatment plan specific for you and your lifestyle.

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Contact Dr. Kovalik today to learn more about Andropause – Male Hormone Replacement Therapy

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