Attitude of Gratitude
This season is a great time to celebrate and give gratitude to all people. It is especially important to take time daily to truly feel gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation for all things, people and experiences in your life. A great exercise that I often share with my patients, is at the beginning of each day, upon awaking, place your hands on your heart. State outloud or to yourself everything that you truly feel grateful for and FEEL it. At that time, you can set your intentions and outcomes for the day.
At the end of the day, do a few minutes review of your day and the best thing that happened that day. Again focusing on FEELING love, gratitude and what you desire to create.
At the end of the day, do a few minutes review of your day and the best thing that happened that day. Again focusing on FEELING love, gratitude and what you desire to create.
What are you thankful for???