Thyroid Imbalances – Women
Thyroid imbalances in women are very common in today’s society.
The thyroid cannot function by itself; it works in conjunction with other endocrine organs like the adrenals, pituitary, pancreas, liver and reproductive organs. The thyroid is required to work harder if the other organs such as the liver or adrenal glands have been overworked or overstimulated by stress, food allergies, poor diet and lack of sleep. Often a thyroid imbalance may be due to an iodine deficiency. Thyroid function is evaluated by blood levels of serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), Free T4 or T3 (Thyroid hormones) and thyroid antibodies.
Symptoms of low thyroid function are:
- Fatigue
Hair Thinning
Dry Skin
Weight Gain
Cold Hands and Feet
Slowed Sensory Reactions
Menstrual Irregularities
Muscle Cramps
Puffy Face and Hands
Fertility Problems
Symptoms of Overactive Thyroid:
Goiter (swelling of the thyroid)
Easy to fatigue
Intolerance to heat
Excessive sweating
Weight loss
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