Cholesterol Drug Alternatives and Side Effects


A recent research study showed that in a small percent of patients on statin drugs, some might experience an increase in memory loss (short or long term). Stopping the statin drug after 90 days may reverse it. Statin drugs is best known as drugs that lower cholesterol; statins have several other beneficial effects that may also

Cholesterol Drug Alternatives and Side Effects2012-05-25T11:03:58+00:00

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet


There are so many fad diets out there. It can be challenging to know which one to choose. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to decrease stress, lower blood pressure, cardiovascular benefits, lowers obesity risks, reduces weight and supports the body healthfully by reducing inflammation. The basics of the diet are to eat clean whole foods: Organic

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet2012-05-18T14:51:34+00:00

Wellness Packages


Dr. Kovalik has developed 6 NEW Customized programs. These 6 customized wellness package benefits and supports: weight loss and treat fatigue, allergies, hormone imbalance, pain and fertility challenges. These programs are designed to promote overall wellness with consistent care and attention and will also hold you accountable for your healing process. These programs will enhance

Wellness Packages2012-05-07T21:20:02+00:00
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