Got PAIN? Prolotherapy Can Help.

Prolotherap y is a very specific treatment using injectables into painful joint regions promoting the healing to occur to strengthen lo ose ligaments and lessen the strain of tight tendons. It is great for any acute or chronic painful joints or back pain due to arthritis, sports injuries, aging, normal wear and tear. It is more natural and more effective in promoting healing, then steroid injections or nerve blocks. It has lasting immediate affects. Prolotherapy can be used in most all joints and anywhere there is PAIN. It can easily be used in conjuction with acupuncture or chiropractic care.
Neuroprolotherapy is another aspect of prolotherapy that uses trigger point superficial injections along superficial nerves improving range of motion and relieving pain immediately. All injections include a natural sugar, dextrose that stimulates the healing process when injected in the problem areas.

“After one treatment of Neuroprolotherapy for my knee pain, I was immediately able to squat down without pain and my range of motion is almost 90% better. It is a very gentle, effective treatment, I would recommend it for anyone with pain. I am looking forward to another treatment.’ S.G, Flagstaff, AZ. August 2011

Vitamin D Benefits

Many people are deficient in one of the essential fat soluable vitamins, Vitamin D. It is important in bone health, cancer prevention, reducing inflammation, can regulate blood pressure, hormones and protects against many different diseases.  When used topically can be used for shingles pain, muscle and joint pains and for skin issues- psoriasis.
Protects against: Cancer, autoimmune diseases- RA, MS and lupus, Diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, decreases pain, enhances memory, prevents depression, PMS, infertility and boosts the immune system naturally.
Vitamin D supplements and cream are NOW available.

sneeze Natural Treatments for Valley Fever and Fungals

As the monsoon/dust season comes to an end, there will be an increased incidence of Valley fever and fungal infections.More people are becoming concerned with the uprising of Valley fever. Symptoms of acute coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) may vary from mild to severe and may appear like the flu.
Fever, cough, chest pain, nightsweats, HA, fatigue, shortness of breath, bodyaches.
If the above symptoms do not resolve, or seem to get better then get worse or if you continue to feel fatigued, cough, weight loss, and chest pain, it may be a chronic infection.
A blood test, sputum culture and chest x ray may be necessary to diagnose.
KNOW THAT NATURAL HERBAL TREATMENTS work very well at reducing the symptoms and treating a reoccurrance of the fungus, boosts the immune system and clears out the fungus.
Dr. Kovalik has helped several patients with herbs, acupuncture and nutritionals
to bring them back in balance naturally.
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