Does your child suffer from allergies? They may have a food allergy.
MOST COMMON FOOD ALLERGIES -Dairy, wheat, soy, citrus, nuts (peanuts), tomatoes, eggs, chocolate, corn, and sugar
Others may be food additives, preservatives and food dyes
Symptoms of Food Intolerances
Infants: crying, colic, vomiting, spitting up, diarrhea, skin rashes (diaper rash), eczema, and respiratory congestion/drainage. Breastmilk is best. Infant formulas may stimulate an immune response if given before 6 months because they are milk based. Goat’s milk or rice milk formulas can be supplemented and given in lieu of powdered formulas. If formulas have to be given, use hypoallergenic formulas.
If strictly breastfeeding, it is advisable for the Mom to avoid the most allergenic foods if baby has colic.
Adults and Children: abdominal discomfort, gassiness, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes- hives, sand-paper like red facial rash, “allergic shiners”(blueish-brownish discoloration under eyes), puffiness under eyes, bright red- pink flushing of cheeks and ears, Nasal congestion (mouth breathing, sniffing, snorting, snoring, bed wetting, nose rubbing with horizontal crease along bridge of nose, recurrent ear infections, ear ringing, and post nasal drip/ phlegm, irritability, anxiety, hyperactivity, tantrums, attention/cognitive problems and sore joints/ muscles.
It is important to have the proper testing, eliminate the offending foods and heal the gut lining to reduce symptoms of food sensitivities.
Questions or Comments???? Do you know anyone that has food allergies?