There is a lot of hype about HCG diet and so many people are buying it from a nonqualifying medical professionals, order it online or from their neighbor. Not all HCG is the same. It is important to evaluate the quality of the product that you are purchasing. It has been known that injectibles can be manufactured in China or other non reputable places with questionable quality ingredients. The injectibles or homeopathics may not be of a pure source, may contain heavy metals or no hormone at all. The hormone injections should be provided by a coumpounding pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription. The homeopathic drops should also come from a pharmaceutical source.


Before following any HCG program, you should be medically supervised. It is a hormone based diet used to stimulate and kick up your metabolism by moving fat stores.  It can potentiate serious problems with people who have underlying issues such as high cholesterol, blood sugar issues and hormone imbalances. There can be some unwanted side effects of the diet that require management such as headaches, dizziness, constipation, blood clots, hair and muscle loss and post diet massive weight gain. 


 The HCG diet can be considered the next FAD diet unless you are monitored correctly and safely. It is important to know that with any diet plan, you evaluate your lifestyle to make life time lasting changes.


Dr. Kovalik offers a safe, monitored Homeopathic HCG program that supports lasting life changes, identifies the root cause of weight gain and teaches optimal health.

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