There has been some media attention about thermography vs mammogram. The standard of care in the western model is that every women should have a baseline mammogram at age 35 and definitely by 40 years old. Then have yearly mammograms after that. Some women may be required to get an ultrasound with a mammogram if there is a history of breast cancer or cystic breast tissue. The unfortunate thing is that mammograms often can miss inflammatory breast cancer or any early indications of inflammation or imbalance in the breast tissues or lymphatics.
Thermography has gained some attention in that it is more efficient in detecting any abnormalities and is more preventative in that it can often change the readings with the appropriate nutritional and preventative attention. Thermography has been around since 1982, it is radiation free and uses digital infrared thermal imaging to detect any heat temp changes metabolically and physiologically that allows you to visualize areas of congestion, pain, inflammation, abnormal breast tissue and other conditions in the body.
For more information call or go to www.denovoscan.com
April 27th- Denovo Scans- Tina Clemmons, CCT will be offering Thermal scans in Dr. Kovalik’s Office. Appointments are necessary for full body, half body and breast scans.
Special pricing is available for the 1st 10 people who sign up.
Call 602-434-7922 to book or for more info.