Summer is here. If you are concerned with the way your skin, hair, nails and feet look in summer clothing, take a look at the common issues that may be causing the conditions below. Improve circulation, eliminate toxins and replenish the body with essential nutrients, acupuncture, massage and reflexology. These methods will assist the body’s over all health and improve the appearance of your skin, hair, nails and feet.
Take a Look at the common imbalances that may provide you insight in your health.
1. verticle ridges– poor nutrient absorption, protein/ calcium/ vitamin A deficiency,
2. white spots– low calcium, zinc or other trace minerals
3. flat– hypochlorhydria- malabsorption, low disease resistance
4. brittle nails– thyroid, kidney or circulatory problems
5. blue or clubbing nails– pulmonary or cardiovascular issues
6. hang nails– zinc or protein deficiency
7. horizontal lines or Beau’s lines– malnutrition, severe illness- diabetes, cancer-chemotherapy, low life force
8. Yellow nails– yeast, hepatitis, psoriasis
1. Hyperkeratosis (small pimple like bumps on the back of arms or legs) = beta- carotene, essential fatty acid, or zinc deficiency
2. dryness– hypothyroidism, essential fatty acid deficiency on dehydration
3. acne– food allergies, congested liver, hormone imbalance
4. rashes– allergies, congested liver, yeast
1. Dryness, brittle- protein, mineral deficiencies or excess
2. Hair loss- toxic metals or mineral imbalances, thyroid, hormonal problems
3. Excessive overgrowth– hormone imbalance- hyperandrogens

A Simple Hair Analysis can tell you the body’s mineral balance and how it is affecting the blood sugar, thyroid, metabolism and adrenal function as well as list some toxic metals.

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